We can get you in the car you deserve. Fill out an online credit application for financing. The credit application link can be found on the individual car pages. No credit? Bad Credit? No matter your situation we can get you financed. Simply stop in and our sales staff would be happy to calculate your payment amount for the vehicle you are interested in. Also all payments are reported to the credit bureau to help establish or reestablish your credit. You make good payments you should get credit for them. Just one of the many perks we offer at our dealership. Good quality vehicles and great service are your right and our duty. We have been serving your friends and family for over 35 years. We offer great quality late model clean title southern vehicles with an unbeatable warranty. All of our vehicles go through a 146 item functional certification analysis before being offered for sale. At our service center, you never need an appointment for an oil change. We do collision repairs and may be able to save you money.
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